In 2019, a PRUMC teen needed mental health treatment and the family could not bare the costs alone. A group of friends wished to anonymously support this family with donations. As a result, PRUMC set up The One Lamb fund to help in this endeavor.
Diane Moffett was one of the contributors for this family and felt a calling - a "God nudge" that finances was only one part of the equation. Those battling with mental wellness and addiction for themselves or their loved one needed education - the science to understand what was happening in their body. They needed connection - finding loving supporters who have walked this journey. They needed support - finding a place, like their own church to receive ongoing compassion and acceptance on this subject.
Many conversations and meetings followed and in 2020, The One Lamb Initiative was born. With a vibrant, passionate team of 25 PRUMC members, work began to create a logo, launch a webpage of support, and diving into various topics to provide educational programing and small group opportunities that inspire, support and bring light to this subject.
Additionally, we have developed a quick start guide for other faith organizations to follow suit with their own One Lamb chapter. See historic timeline for past offerings. For a quickstart guide or more information on how to launch your own One Lamb chapter, email here.
Ann Strader
Anne Marino
Anne Breedlove
Becky McDaniel
Beth Abernathy
Bryan Stickney
Claire Bowen
Courtney Jenks
Cristin Kirbo
Edith Jones
Frank Boykin
Gayle Cummings
Jolie Maxwell
Kim McCollam
Lauren Monroe
Leanne Goines
Lynne Homrich
Mace Hall
Martha Tate
Matthew G. Moffett
Melinda Barefoot
Nancy Hurst
Linda Milstead
Owen McDaniel
Rebecca Clements
Rob Carter
Ron Greer
Selena Bridges
Susan Bixler
Susan Marshall
Susan Thigpen
Diane Moffett - Leader
Emily Miles- Ministerial Liaison
The One Lamb Initiative is a ministry under Peachtree Road United Methodist Church.
Peachtree Road UMC
3180 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30305
All Rights Reserved | One Lamb Inititive
- a 501c3 Non-Profit Orginization -
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