What We Do

Our Focus

Mental health is in fact health. It is paramount that we treat our emotional well-being with as much intention and care, if not more, as we do our physical well-being.  The first step to doing this is to learn about our mental wellness so that we can feel comfortable in addressing it.


Our minds are amazing, powerful and complex. The allow us to think, to learn, to move, to feel. What goes on in our minds is key to the overall health of our entire being. Science is learning more and more about how our thoughts positive and negative contribute to our own emotional stability and, thereby, our mental acumen.

The One Lamb Initiatives primary goal and focus is to normalize the topic of mental wellness. Mental wellness can be a scary topic. So much is not understood or misunderstood. As a community and as a society, we’ve endeavored to sweep these issues under the rug, only allowing ourselves to have “hush hush” conversations when necessitated.

The best way to remove the fear is to de-stigmatize the topic and the best way to remove the shame associated with a mental health concern is teach people about the delicate balance of our emotional well-being. One Lamb offers excellent, quality educational programs from experts which explain the different topics of mental wellness from both scientific and spiritual viewpoints.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Psalm 56:3


As people of faith, we learn from the scriptures that humans are created in the image of God. If we sit back and really think about it, this means that we are incredibly complicated beings, capable of amazing things. Made in the image of God means that we are imbued with emotional and physical abilities when harnessed enable us to spread God's wholeness and goodness to this world. However, at times our emotionally complicated nature makes finding peace and wholeness extremely difficult.

So, when we talk about the majesty of our bodies and our connectedness to one another and to God, we realize that our emotions are the primary driving force for all that we do, say, and feel.

Through the One Lamb Ministry, our goal is to help people realize the pentacle of wholeness with each other and the Spirit as God designed us to be. We do this through learning. Yet, equally important, we focus on the MIND BODY connection as we explore practices like prayer, meditation and mindfulness.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 -10


Psychologist have long studied and learned that human beings function better physically and emotionally when they are part of a supportive, loving, connected community.

Our One Lamb Ministry focuses on undergirding persons who are experiencing a mental wellness issue, and their loved ones, by offering a safe place to learn and grow.

One Lamb is a ministry founded in the love of God surrounded by the protective, nurturing power of the Holy Spirit. All of us face Mental Wellness challenges. Our emotional balance is fragile and precious.

One Lamb combines qualified, well-studied scientific research with nurturing, restorative, spiritual practices to provide a supportive, safe community where mental health is approached with the same care as any other health issue.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

Corinthians 6:19a

Upcoming Events

By Mace Hall February 6, 2025
By Mace Hall January 12, 2025
February 11 at noon Hospitality Suite Lunch provided ($10) Facilitated by Rev. Mace Hall. Whether you've read Kate's book(s) or not and whether you attended the Kate's talk, or not, come for an open discussion about how, as people of faith, we grapple with the good and the bad things that inevitably happen during our lives. Questions, contact Mace at PRUMConelamb@gmail.com
By Mace Hall January 10, 2025
Sunday, February 16th 10-11am – Heritage Hall Title: “From Worried to Well: Managing Anxiety in an Anxious World” Dr. Ben Hunter, Chief Medical Officer at Skyland Trail Dr. Hunter will present on anxiety, exploring how social factors often prioritize safety and certainty over resilience. He will discuss how avoidance behaviors can drive anxiety and how challenging these behaviors is key to fostering personal growth. This session will provide an overview of diagnostic information as well as effective treatment strategies for managing common anxiety disorders.
By Mace Hall January 9, 2025
Thursday, February 20th 6:30-8pm – The Loft Title: Raising Resilience: Parenting Anxious Kids to Bravery Workshop with Young Families Program description: Parenting is hard enough, but navigating the push-pull of supporting anxious kids makes it that much more challenging. Knowing when to encourage your child to face their fears and when to help them rest and recuperate often leaves parents feeling completely stuck. Join us as Marti Munford, clinical mental health therapist, sheds light on the formation of anxiety in kids and the powerful ways to bust it. With humor (because how can you parent without it?) and compassion, we'll discuss parental patterns that enable anxiety and engage tools that help break the cycle. Programming for Parents (recommended for parents of children through 5th grade) Register Here: https://peachtreeroadumc.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/592/responses/new
By Mace Hall January 8, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025 12:15pm Heritage Hall Please join us for an open, honest conversation as we explore the impact of life's changes and challenges as we age. We will focus on healthy aging and discuss ways to enhance our well-being through behaviors to promote resilience and adaptation. Lunch will be provided for all registered attendees. Register here: https://peachtreeroadumc.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/578/responses/new
Meredith Hydrick – Anxiety
January 7, 2025
Reverend Mace Hall and Meredith Hydrick have an in-depth and personal conversation about anxiety. For Meredith, anxiety was always a part of life, but she finally realized that her internal feelings of being overwhelmed were on another level than most. With the right tools and support, she was able to manage her anxiety and live an abundant life.
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